We recently announced that we have partnered with ShowingTime to provide you with elegant and easy-to-use stats in a new suite of market reports and interactive tools called MarketStats, which includes InfoSparks, FastStats, Local Market Updates, Monthly Indicators, and the Annual Report. These products will go a long way toward a broader understanding of the prevailing trends in our local housing market.
Training on these tools will be held on:
Wednesday, August, 19th at 1:00 PM CST
Thursday, August 20th at 1:00 PM CST

Click here to Register

You can access these tools in Matrix by selecting a widget on your Matrix Home Page
InfoSparks combines local geography with customizable housing variables, timeframes and market metrics in order to quickly analyze and share trend data in a clean, intuitive interface.
Local Market Updates are monthly, one-page market reports for more than 90 predefined individual geographies in the GSREIN market area covering nine key housing metrics for single-family and townhouse/condo homes.
Monthly Indicators is a monthly market-wide reports that cover each of the key metrics in further depth with written analysis, overview pages by property type and historical trends for each metric. There is a Monthly Indicators reports for the entire GSREIN service area.
The Annual Report provides a thorough package of details for local residential real estate, complete with a full-page summary write-up, quick facts about current trends for eight housing metrics, more thorough details and rankings of several metrics, and a list of key values for local geographies in the market area.
FastStats is a tidy, map-based interface that displays all reports in one location. Simply select from a drop-down menu or from a map of the local region, and there will be a report waiting for you!
Provided by ShowingTime, these tools allow us to support your needs in a meaningful way without you having to spend hours creating your own data tables and charts. Here are just a few of the many possible uses:
  • Generate charts to support your recommendations at listing presentations.
  • Compare local to regional numbers to better pinpoint what’s happening in unique micromarkets.
  • Manage client expectations by answering the emotional point of price.
  • Emphasize your expertise and knowledge online and through email marketing campaigns.
  • Write about a city, school district or neighborhood with local stats to back you up.
  • Highlight a metric like months’ supply of homes for sale to show supply and demand trends.
  • Display showing trends like shows per listing to prospective sellers on your website.
  • Investigate submarkets like condo and new construction.
  • Compare up to four areas by several housing variables and market metrics at once.
  • Define variable categories like price range, square footage and bedroom count.
  • Scan important market metrics like days on market and median sales price for your defined areas.
  • Share live charts and snapshots of the market or download raw data to make your own charts.